New AACI Appraiser at Serecon
June 14, 2022

Serecon is happy to announce a new AACI designated appraiser on our team as Lisa Loewen, from Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, has recently earned her professional status. She joins our accredited staff who collectively have the following designations: Accredited Appraiser Canadian Institute (AACI), Professional Appraiser (P.App.), Accredited Rural Appraiser (ARA), Professional Agrologists (P. Ag.), Certified Valuations Analyst (CVA); and all are in good standing within their respective professional certifying organizations. Serecon also has a certified business valuator. Our valuations team includes:
- Lisa M. Loewen, AACI, P, App.
- Courtney T. Knude, AACI, P.App.
- Scott M. Fedirko, BBA, AACI, P.App.
- Bradley D. Slomp, B.Mgt., AACI, P.App., ARA
- David W. Weber, AACI, P.App, P.Ag.
- Glen W. Doll, AACI, P.App., P.Ag.
- Bruce R. Simpson, AACI, P.App., P.Ag.
- Robert E. Burden, M.Sc., P.Ag. CVA
Serecon’s appraisers and valuators have a vast breadth and depth of experience having appraised a wide variety of land, farm, ranch, agri-business, recreational, and rural properties throughout western Canada. In addition to our valuation staff, Serecon also has ten consultants that focus on our management consulting and advisory services divisions. These individuals provide additional expertise related to the agri-business and environmental sector to our valuation team on an as needed basis. Serecon also has affiliations with Farmer’s National Company (USA); LandView Drones (western Canada); Valco (eastern Canada); and Groupe AGÉCO (eastern Canada).
Contact one of our appraisers at 403-216-2100 // 780-448-7440 // Our Team Page