Agriculture Expert Witness
October 1, 2020

Our team of agriculture, agri-food and land experts provide litigation support, dispute resolution and expert witness consultation for legal proceedings, arbitration, hearings and any other matters in need of professional agricultural expertise. Serecon's approach for all consulting, advisory and appraisal projects is that our foremost duty is to provide independent, impartial and unbiased expertise to the court.
Our consultants and appraisers provide expertise for lawyers and the courts for matters such as cost of production insights, agri-food policies, biosecurity, surface rights disputes, agriculture loss of use, damages & loss quantification, insurance claims, real estate appraisals, expropriation, First Nations loss of use & land claims as well as many other issues related to the given clients' situation.
Serecon has a long client list of legal firms, financial institutions, government and individuals who utilize our services. Moreover, our team members have appeared before numerous courts, arbitrations, hearings and tribunals. To inquire about our services; please email us at or call 780-448-7440 or 403-216-2100