Fertilizer Use Survey 2014-2015
August 9, 2016

The Canadian Field Print Initiative has published results from its 2014 Fertilizer Use Survey, and will soon post results from the 2015 survey. The results of the 2014 survey are available as a navigable PowerPoint document, and an Executive Summary is provided on their website at fieldprint.ca.
These results fill an important information gap, enabling the development of improved sustainability metrics for crop production in Canada. Until now, a national survey on fertilizer management practices has been lacking. The results of this survey will provide for development of sustainability metrics that better reflect the current state of fertilizer management.
Farmers have adopted practices that improve the efficiency and profitability of fertilizer use, while also significantly reducing environmental impacts of crop production. These practices include
- Banding of fertilizers
- Timing of fertilizer application to maximize uptake by plants
- Use of enhanced-efficiency fertilizers
The 2014 survey reflects a random sample of 430 farmers in Western Canada (growing canola, spring wheat and peas), and 270 farmers in Eastern Canada (growing corn and soybeans). This is the first of four surveys to be conducted from 2014-15 to 2017-18. The objective is to capture baseline information for all grain, oilseed and pulse crops in Canada.
For more information, contact Serecon's Angela Pearson at (780) 448-7447 or apearson@serecon.ca or to access the full set of survey results, contact Denis Tremorin at dtremorin@pulsecanada.com or (204) 925-3781.